Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide With gas heating prevalent in the region, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is persistent and leads to deaths each year. Consider the following to guard against extended exposure: Have regular service done on gas heaters and...
Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: The Louage

Contingency Corner: The Louage The louage (French for “rental”) is synonymous with inter-city travel and an essential part of life for many. To minimize your exposure to risk in a louage, consider the following: Avoid carrying valuables where visible At the station,...
Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: Winter Driving

Contingency Corner: Winter Driving Winter in Tunisia does not bring threat of snow, but plenty of complications from heavy rains. Consider the following as you prepare for driving and traffic during the winter season: Ensure tires have sufficient tread Check...
Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: Insider Threat

Contingency Corner: Insider Threat An Insider Threat comes from the intentional or unintentional use of legitimate access to cause harm or damage. All organizations face a risk of insider threats, though most are unintentional: Train staff to identify phishing scams...
Contingency Corner: Carbon Monoxide

Contingency Corner: Duty of Care

Contingency Corner: Duty of Care All organizations operating in frontier markets should define their duty of care to their employees and partners. Consider the following when establishing your approach to duty of care: Define duty of care obligations that are specific...