Tunisia: France Lifts Artificial Visa Limits Following Migrant Repatriation Cooperation

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Diplomacy, Tunisia


On 31 August 2022, the French and Tunisian Ministers of Interior Gerald Darmanin and Tawfik Charfeddine released a joint statement announcing the end of France’s artificial restrictions on the number of visas issued to Tunisians. The announcement comes on the heels of Tunisian cooperation in the repatriation of Tunisians residing illegally in France, a controversial issue across southern Europe, and one that resulted in France’s crackdown on the issuance of visas to North Africans in late 2021. The French government also noted that Tunisia was the first among Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia to lift COVID-19-related health restrictions on French travelers. The announcement confirmed that each visa application from a Tunisian would now be considered on its own merits without artificial caps or limits.


The normalization of visa applications for France may be a result of Kais Saied’s desire to win Western partners as he seeks to reform the Tunisian government and economy and solidify his position as a popularly elected leader with a mandate for change. Flagging support from key democratic Western allies, including the US, may be driving Saied to search for less rigid diplomatic partners. As French President Macron has recently courted Algeria, Saied may be interested to seek similar engagement with France as he searches for economic and social propellants for the floundering Tunisian economy.