Tunisia: FM Ammar in Moscow to Secure Russian Grain

by | Sep 28, 2023 | Diplomacy, Economic, Tunisia


On 26 September 2023, Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar traveled to Moscow for meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov where the two affirmed the good relations between Russia and Tunisia.

The two foreign ministers discussed plans for Russian grain shipments and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Lavrov also briefed Ammar on developments in Syria, a country that both Tunisia and Russia currently count as a partner despite the broader isolation of the Syrian regime, including amongst Arab states.

FM Ammar was accompanied on his trip to Moscow by the head of Tunisia’s Cereals Office, Salwa Benhadid Zouari, who took over the role in mid-August 2023.


Ammar’s trip to Moscow was likely a highly pragmatic one as Tunisia searches affordable grain. In the face of a waning budget and intermittent bread shortages, access to grain remains a key external policy issue.

The meetings in Moscow produced some results on this front, with Lavrov reporting that grain shipments destined for Tunisia had recently departed Russia.

As the Russian war in Ukraine continues, Ammar’s visit may have raised concerns from Tunisia’s western allies. However, Ammar made comments clarifying that Tunisia maintains a policy of diplomatic openness, not sacrificing one relationship for another.



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