Tunisia: INSEAD Index Cites Challenges for Tunisian Talent in Global Market

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Diplomacy, Social, Tunisia


This month, INSEAD, the French business school, released their 2023 Global Talent Competitiveness Index for 2023, ranking Tunisia #92 out of 134 countries in the report which measures “how countries and cities grow, attract, and retain talent.” The report cites an overall drop in Tunisia’s talent competitiveness in the past 10 years. 

The index measures six areas that impact how a country develops, attracts, and retains talent in the global marketplace: 

  • Regulation, the market, and business/labor environment: Tunisia ranked 77th 
  • External and internal openness: Tunisia ranked 121st 
  • Formal education, lifelong learning, and growth opportunities: Tunisia ranked 94th 
  • Sustainability and lifestyle: Tunisia ranked 75th 
  • Vocational and Technical Skills: Tunisia ranked 107th 
  • Global Knowledge and High-Level Skills: Tunisia ranked 59th 

While Tunisia was ranked 92nd, its North African neighbors faired similarly, with Egypt ranked” 88th, Algeria ranked 102nd, and Morocco ranked 99th. Libya was not included in the index. 


INSEAD’s talent index makes plain the challenges faced by Tunisia’s workforce, particularly for younger job seekers and workers.   

One of the highest rankings Tunisia received was in the area of Global Knowledge and Skills, which is a positive reflection of the higher education and technical education available to some Tunisians. 

However, the ranking reflects systemic challenges that have resulted in high unemployment amongst young people leading to rising emigration, both regular and irregular. 


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