Tunisia: Various Health Risks at Beaches as Summer Season Begins

by | Jun 14, 2024 | Security, Social, Tunisia


Last week, the Ministry of Health announced that 28 beaches across Tunisia are not safe for swimming based on the results of laboratory analyses. These because were classified as “black” and therefore unsafe for swimming due to the presence of pollution, including unhealthy levels of fecal pollution. 

The locations where swimming is prohibited include: 

  • Six beaches in Bizerte 
  • Two beaches in Tunis 
  • 16 beaches in Ben Arous 
  • Three beaches in Nabeul 
  • Two beaches in Sousse 

Shortly after this announcement, the government announced that between 1 May and 5 June, 10 people had drowned across Tunisia’s beaches. Additionally, 19 people were rescued from drowning by Civil Protection officers. 

Additionally, the government announced that 276 lifeguard posts will be established on Tunisia’s beaches and an effort to recruit rescue swimmers has been launched. 


As the summer months approach, beach trips will be increasingly popular for many in Tunisia. Particularly for those outside of well-maintained and closely monitored resort areas, extra caution is necessary in order to avoid major health and safety risks. 

Beachgoers should watch for posted signs warning of various dangers and comply with any posted warnings or the warnings of local officials at beaches. It is common that, despite the risks present at a certain beach, it might still be heavily occupied with many people swimming. This is not necessarily an indication that the safety conditions have improved in any way. 


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