Algeria: Army Tightens Control on Northeast Illicit Drug Corridor

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Algeria, Legal, Security


On 4 June 2024, Algerian security forces seized a large shipment of illicit drugs in northeast Algeria along the Tunisian border. In this operation, 372,000 narcotic tablets were confiscated and nine individuals with criminal records were apprehended. 

This intervention in El Oued was successful due to the preparation of the Algerian gendarme, who had previously placed a tracking device on the truck that was smuggling goods disguised as an onion delivery. 

On the same day, Algerian General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of People’s National Army (PNA), made a statement noting the upward trend of drug trafficking across Algeria and warned of the harmful consequences this may have on Algerian youth. 

The Organized Crime Index reported a shift from the use of West African drug routes to a northwestern route spanning Morocco and Algeria. The Index adds that Algeria is gradually becoming a producer of cannabis/kif for France and elsewhere in Europe.

Drug Trade Trends April June


Although there have been an increasing number of counter-narcotics operations in Algeria, public statements and high-profile operations likely indicate plans to enhance deterrence and disruption.   

In the coming months, an increase in counter-narcotics operations can be expected, potentially resulting in shifts in the current routes used by drug smugglers.  

These actions may result in a restriction of movement around the country, possibly affecting those planning to travel, as traveling long distances may garner suspicion and subsequent investigation. 


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