Tunisia: Border Crossing Still Closed as Libyan Actors Jockey for Control

by | Apr 6, 2024 | Diplomacy, Economic, Political, Security, Tunisia


The Ras Jedir border crossing between Libya and Tunisia remained closed, with various high-level discussions continuing within Libya to determine who will control it on the Libyan side.

Reports from 7 April 2024 indicated that Tripoli-based Libyan officials were attributing the ongoing closure to ongoing maintenance projects that had not been completed. Other reports indicated that the crossing facilities were being expanded, resulting in delays.

Pressure has grown to re-open the border crossing which facilitates much of the land traffic between Libya and Tunisia. The Tunisian-Libyan Business Council called for reopening  along with protestors who gathered on the Tunisian side of the border in early April.


As various councils and meetings are held between military, political, and security entities within Libya, the closure of the Ras Jedir border is growing increasingly frustrating for those Tunisians and Libyans that rely on regular cross-border movement for their businesses and livelihoods.

While the expressions of frustration thus far have been relatively subdued, pressure is growing to find a solution that will re-open the border.


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