Contingency Corner: Physical Documents

Contingency Corner: Physical Documents

  Contingency Corner: Physical Documents Many organizations maintain physical documents and files. However, it is easy to overlook the security vulnerabilities within physical documents should document archives be lost, stolen, or prematurely destroyed. Considering...
Contingency Corner: Physical Documents

Contingency Corner: Evacuation Sites

  Contingency Corner: Evacuation Sites Evacuations involve the relocation of personnel from one country to another, often under crisis conditions. Evacuations are a stressful, high-stakes exercise for which preparation is essential to success: Consider the following...
Contingency Corner: Physical Documents

Contingency Corner: Relocation Sites

  Contingency Corner: Relocation Sites Relocations are necessary when a crisis warrants moving personnel to a new location within the country of operation. Relocation is often an escalatory decision following an organization’s decision for personnel to...