Tunisia: Direct Flights From Iraq as Relations Continue Warming

by | Jul 15, 2024 | Diplomacy, Economic, Security, Tunisia


On 9 July 2024, the head of the Kurdistan Region’s Aviation and Tourism Companies Union, Lawand Mamondy, announced the launch of new direct flights from Erbil International Airport in Iraq to Tunisia. 

Starting from 15 July, direct flights from Erbil to Tunis will be scheduled every Monday. 

The decision follows the 13 May 2024 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the agreements signed between Iraq and Tunisia. The MOU and agreements established a framework for cooperation on a number of issues, including in the transportation and tourism sectors.   


Tunisia’s decision to allow visa-free travel for Iraqi citizens is bearing fruit as aviation companies are seizing the opportunity to offer direct flights between Iraq and Tunisia. Additional announcements of similar offers are likely to follow this decision should the business case be confirmed by interest from Iraqi tourists. This will likely increase business travels and opportunities for investors from both regions. 

Tunisia is seeking to attract Middle Eastern tourists by facilitating easier travel, including direct flights and a simplified visa process. The visits and exchanges between Tunisian officials and their Iraqi, Iranian and Syrian counterparts are focusing on that goal. 

Solidifying bilateral ties after years of wars and regional conflicts that have fractured the region is likely a long-term goal of all parties involved.  


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