Tunisia: Escaped Terrorists Captured as Investigation into Prison Yields Arrests

by | Nov 7, 2023 | Political, Security, Tunisia


Last week, five prisoners who had escaped from Mornaguia Prison were re-captured in two separate arrests. 

One of the five, Ahmed Malaki, was arrested by a security officer on 5 November, in the Ettadhamen neighborhood of Tunis, reportedly with the help of local residents, according to the Ministry of the Interior. 

On 7 November 2023, the remaining four escapees were also arrested after sheltering on Mount Boukarnine, which sits to the south of the capital city overlooking the Gulf of Tunis. 

Following the arrests, a total of 10 executives and officers of the prison system were arrested, as part of the investigation into how the prisoners were “smuggled” from the prison.  

President Kais Saied asserted that escape was likely planned for months, implying that the prisoners received assistance to escape rather than breaking out of the prison single-handedly. 


While the escape of the prisoners raises concerns about the ideologically sympathetic and/or corrupt infrastructure in place to assist with their escape, their capture points to competence of Tunisia’s security forces and the support of Tunisian communities in deterring terrorism. 

A thorough and transparent investigation will be an essential step in restoring confidence in the legal system and in the country’s ability to effectively secure dangerous convicts.  


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