Tunisia: EU Affirms Economic Support and Political Caution in Speech

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Diplomacy, Economic, Tunisia


On 19 October 2022, European Union diplomat Oliver Várhelyi affirmed the EU’s economic commitment to Tunisia, noting that additional macro-economic assistance may be considered on the heels of the 15 October International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan deal. In his speech, Mr. Várhelyi affirmed Tunisia’s status as an EU partner and expressed solidarity with the country as it navigates its financial crisis. However, he took a cautionary tone regarding politics, affirming the EU’s commitment to the shared values of democracy, rule of law, and fundamental human rights. He stressed these values would be essential in building a prosperous future for Tunisia.


The EU’s diplomatic posture toward Tunisia appears to align with that of the United States, with promises of economic support continuing, but accompanied by a cautionary tone regarding the country’s political direction. With an IMF deal now agreed-upon, there is likely a willingness to wait and watch for the December 2022 legislative elections before making abrupt changes in diplomatic posture or levels of economic support.