Tunisia: European Labor Organizer Expelled Following UGTT Protests

by | Feb 19, 2023 | Economic, Tunisia


On 18 February 2023, thousands of labor union supporters gathered in cities across Tunisia to protest recent arrests of union officials and anticipated austerity measures tied to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan deal still under negotiation. Following the protests, the general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Esther Lynch, was declared persona non grata and ordered to leave the country within 24 hours. Lynch spoke critically of recent actions against Tunisian labor unions at a protest in Sfax. The protests were organized by the country’s powerful public sector union, the Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT), which is emerging as one of President Kais Saied’s most significant sources of opposition.

The largest gathering of protestors was reportedly in Sfax, with other demonstrations throughout the country. Protestors spoke out against the potential for austerity measures tied to the IMF loan, particularly the lifting of government subsidies. They also called for the release of UGTT official Anis Kaabi, who was arrested after helping organize a protest of autoroute tollbooth workers. He faces trial on 23 February.


While not an overwhelming show of resistance, the UGTT has continued to flex its political muscle in order to send a message to the administration about its plans to resist reforms that will impact public workers. The administration’s actions toward Lynch will likely draw additional anger and outcry, particularly from the international community. These protests are the first of many to come as the UGTT looks toward a large-scale strike and demonstration already set for March. The convergence of IMF loan discussions, the economic crisis, and the latest string of arrests of opposition figures raises the risk of civil unrest, strikes, and other disruptive activities across Tunisia.


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