Tunisia: Lawyers Protest Citing Increased Tax Burden

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Economic, Legal, Social, Tunisia


On 5 January 2023, Tunisian lawyers protested at the Ministry of Justice against a new tax on their profession. Tunisia’s Bar Association organized the protest, citing stipulations in the recently published 2023 Finance Law which outlines an increase in taxes on the legal profession from 13 to 19 percent. The Bar Association stated that its approximately 9,200 members will not be liable to pay the taxes until their clients begin paying for the increase as part of their fees.


Protests by Tunisia’s lawyers are likely among the first of many such demonstrations that will be prompted by the controversial 2023 Finance Law. The law seeks to appease international lenders, especially the International Monetary Fund (IMF), while also acknowledging the interests of Tunisian stakeholders. Other interest groups will likely give vent to their frustrations via protests and strikes as the implementation of the new law continues into Q1 2023.


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