Tunisia: Libya Donates Basic Commodities as Ties Continue to Warm

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Diplomacy, Economic, Tunisia


On 17 January 2023, a convoy of trucks arrived in Tunisia from Libya containing a donation of basic commodities intended to alleviate ongoing shortages. The donation comes as Tunisia’s economic crisis continues to deepen and as Tunis and Tripoli have been actively working toward improved relations. The convoy of trucks reportedly contained sugar, cooking oil, and rice, all of which Tunisians have struggled to find on store shelves in recent months.

December saw a series of working meetings between senior Tunisian and Libyan officials, as well the dispatch of a Tunisian business delegation to Libya. In November 2022, Libya also donated a shipment of fuel to Tunisia as shortages briefly gripped the country.


Libya continues to invest in aiding Tunisia as the economic crisis continues, likely with an eye toward long-term stability and partnership between the neighboring countries. With deep ties between the two countries in the tourism and medical sectors, as well as on security cooperation, the two countries both have a vested interest in stability. The donation itself is largely symbolic, more likely an effort to communicate solidarity than to make a meaningful dent in Tunisia’s fundamental supply issues.


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