Tunisia: Motorcycle Deaths Spike During Summer Months

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Security, Social, Tunisia


On Thursday, 18 July 2024, the National Traffic Safety Observatory declared that  motorcycles accidents are the largest cause of traffic fatalities, including 28 deaths in the first half of July. 

The Observatory also reported that other traffic accidents decreased in recent weeks while motorcycles accidents increased by 34% as traffic intensity increases in summer period.  

Motorcycle accidents represented 40% of accidents in 2023 prompting Tunisian authorities to decide the obligation of the driving license for all types of motorcycles starting from January 2024. 


Despite efforts to encourage and enforce compliance with safety rules, most motorcycle drivers in Tunisia do not comply. Due to the high cost of cars, many Tunisians cannot afford to buy a car and therefore depend on motorcycles as part of their daily life and work without taking the necessary steps to learn the regulations for driving. 

Many Tunisian motorcycle drivers operate motorcycles without the appropriate protective equipment, including helmets, resulting in many accidents that might otherwise be survivable fatal.   

Extra caution is required when sharing the road with motorcycles , especially at night as many lack proper lighting and are therefore difficult to see.  



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