Tunisia: Premeditated Attack on Djerba Synagogue Kills Six, Including Assailant

by | May 10, 2023 | Security, Tunisia


On the evening of 9 May, 2023, a member of Tunisia’s National Guard stationed on Djerba island killed three other police officers and two civilians in a shooting spree that ended near the al Ghriba Synagogue where the assailant was killed by security forces. The attack coincided with the annual Jewish pilgrimage and festival at the al Ghriba synagogue that had brought several thousand Jewish pilgrims to the Island of Djerba this year.

The Ministry of the Interior announced that a guard of the Naval Center of the National Guard in Aghir Djerba “killed his colleague using his individual weapon and seized ammunition. Then he tried to reach the vicinity of the Ghriba synagogue and opened fire indiscriminately at the security units stationed in the place, which confronted him and prevented him from reaching the synagogue and killing him.‘’

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