Tunisia: Saied’s Call with Algerian President Affirms Strong Ties

by | Feb 17, 2023 | Diplomacy, Tunisia


On 16 February 2023, President Kais Saied spoke with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune by telephone, affirming that the strong relationship between the two countries was not damaged by the recent diplomatic row involving French-Algerian activist Amira Bouraoui. After calls from France, Tunisia allowed Bouraoui to fly to France on 6 February after she illegally crossed the border into Tunisia. Bouraoui has since apologized to Tunisia in statements to the media. The call by the two presidents affirmed the “stable, fraternal” relationship shared by the two North African neighbors.


The concerted effort by Tunisia and Algeria to dispel rumors of a simmering diplomatic conflict are positive steps toward greater stability at a particularly vulnerable moment for Tunisia. With Algeria having recently provided stopgap funding and aid to Tunisia, they have proven an important partner as skepticism has grown among international lenders about Tunisia’s commitment to reform. These recent steps lower the risk of diplomatic challenges in the near term.


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