Tunisia: President Saied Courts US, Chinese Leaders

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Diplomacy, Tunisia


On 7 December 2022, a delegation from the US National Security Council visited Tunis to meet with President Kais Saied and other key leaders. The meetings touched on security cooperation, but also reinforced American interest in Tunisia’s democratic future. Saied confirmed plans to attend a US-Africa summit in Washington, DC. Shortly thereafter, on 9 December 2022, Saied met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Saudi Arabia where Xi took an affirming tone toward the direction of Tunisia’s political reform, mostly emphasizing Tunisia’s right to non-interference. The meeting also highlighted the recent expansion of cooperation and assistance between the two countries, with China’s assistance in battling the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a major pillar.


China and the US continue to vie for influence in Tunisia, with both remaining relatively hands-off as Kais Saied’s economic and political reforms unfold. We continue to closely watch how Tunisia’s relationship with these powers evolves as the long-term impact of a warming or cooling with either will shape the country’s future.