Tunisia: Senior Huawei Representative Welcomed, Setting Stage for Cooperation

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Diplomacy, Economic, Political, Tunisia


On 22 November 2023, the President of Huawei North Africa, Terry He, met with Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani, providing both men the opportunity to affirm plans to increase cooperation in a number of areas. 

The meeting included discussion of 5G communications, solar energy, technical education, and Tunisia’s smart automobile industry. Terry He referred to Tunisia as a leader in the region and expressed interest in supporting technical training at Tunisian universities.  

PM Hachani emphasized Tunisia’s interest in pursuing closer cooperation with Tunisia in 2024, noting that the year would mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Tunisia and China. Tunisia plans to increase reception of senior Chinese officials during 2024. 

Countries such as the US, Australia, and Japan have expressed skepticism about Huawei’s ties to the Chinese government and national security apparatus, referring to the company as a national security threat while working to ban Huawei from local markets. Huawei has denied that their technology is used for spying. 


While skepticism toward Huawei and similar China-based tech firms has remained firmly entrenched amongst the G7 countries and others, middle- and lower-income countries have been open to cooperation. 

Huawei continues to provide affordable consumer products as well as attractive terms for large-scale infrastructure upgrades that allow countries like to Tunisia to provide citizens access to the connectivity and technology they are seeking. 

As tensions with Tunisia’s traditional Western benefactors continues, the current administration has shown an openness to exploring increased cooperation with other powers including China and Russia. 

As Europe struggles to implement plans to manage irregular migration at points of departure rather than at its own borders, relations with Tunisia and other North African countries are set to remain tense, potentially opening the door for warming and deepening relations with China. 



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