Tunisia: Teachers Continue Protests, Disrupting Public School Operations

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Economic, Social, Tunisia


Throughout the country, multiple groups of public school teachers have been protesting, leaving some schools without teachers. Grievances range from unpaid salaries and poor working conditions to the lack of more stable contracts that were expected under prior policies. In Kairouan, police used tear gas and made multiple arrests as substitute teachers attempted to conduct a sit-in at a Ministry of Education office.


Our team is continuing to monitor the potential for disruptions across Tunisia’s urban centers as the frequency and intensity of protests by teachers has increased throughout 2022. With the ongoing economic crisis limiting the government’s options for resolutions, the frustration among teachers has grown. We will be watching for how the issue evolves, particularly as families are impacted by the lack of teachers which has already resulted in numerous disruptions to regular school operations across the country.