Tunisia: Pro-Palestine Marchers Clash with Police After Election

by | Oct 8, 2024 | Political, Security, Social, Tunisia


On 7 October 2024, numerous civil society organizations joined a pro-Palestine march organized by the Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) which included some violent encounters with Tunisian security forces. 

More than a thousand protestors participated in the march from Bab El-Khadra to Avenue Habib Bourguiba in downtown Tunis. Marchers gathered in front of French Institute and the French Embassy where violent clashes with security forces occurred 

Protestors threw bottles and fireworks at police drawing forceful responses, including arrests during the protest and the following day. Some journalists covering the march were also injured during these clashes. 

The marchers chanted slogans calling for state forces to stop protecting foreign embassies supporting Israel and raised images of recently killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas chief Ismael Haniyeh. They also called for the adoption of an anti-normalization law prohibiting dealing with Israel – an effort that has stalled multiple times. 


Events in the Middle East are likely to continue drawing support in the form of protests in Tunisia, particularly as these events play out alongside Tunisia’s controversial election process.  

The 7 October march was an opportunity for protestors to clash with security forces and to express frustration not just with events in the Middle East, but with the broader state of politics in Tunisia. 

As political dissatisfaction with the current administration continues and as the administration is seen to be reluctant to pass anti-normalization legislation, tensions with security forces are likely to continue.     

Additional caution is required especially near Western embassies and institutions which tend to attract the attention of protestors, particularly the US and French Embassies.  



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