Tunisia: West Nile Virus Kills One as Mosquito Season Begins

by | Oct 30, 2023 | Social, Tunisia


In late October 2023, health officials in Tozeur announced that an elderly man had died following an infection with the West Nile virus.  

Authorities identified at least 10 additional cases of the virus through testing and were investigating the death of a child to determine if it was attributable to the virus. 

West Nile virus is a mosquito-borne disease that typically goes undetected in humans. However, one in five infections can result in noticeable symptoms including fever. And one in 150 infections can become serious, potentially fatal. There is no vaccine or medicinal treatment for the West Nile virus beyond symptom management. 

Mosquito season in Tunisia begins in the fall and continues into early winter, making this the most vulnerable period for infection. 


While the development of severe cases of West Nile virus is relatively rare, individuals in Tunisia and North Africa more generally should plan to take precautions to guard against mosquito bites. 

Basic precautions to protect against mosquito bites include using repellant spray, mosquito nets, window screens, and discarding standing water where possible.


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