Tunisia: Violence in Tunis Neighborhoods Raises Security Concerns

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Security, Social, Tunisia


Over the weekend of 13 and 14 April 2024, police arrested over 30 individuals following violent clashes between rival groups of young people in the Ettadhaman neighborhood of Tunis in the governorate of Manouba. 

The violence began following a dispute between two individuals. The dispute grew into a large-scale conflict between large groups of young people from the Ettadhaman and Mnihla neighborhoods. 

Clashes between the two groups escalated on the evening of 13 April, resulting in 22 arrests. The groups reportedly threw stones and other projectiles and were using various bladed weapons and clubs. The violence resumed on the evening of 14 April, prompting 15 additional arrests. 

Meanwhile, on 6 April 2024, a man used a hammer to murder his ex-wife and two of her family members in the Jebel Lahmar neighborhood of Tunis. The couple had recently finalized their divorce after the woman had filed complaints about death threats.  

The murders raised concerns about protections for victims of domestic violence which currently place a significant burden on the victim. Those seeking protection from domestic violence must provide proof that the threats are substantiated, typically through medical documentation of past violence. 



As social and economic tensions continue to rise in Tunisia, unpredictable and potentially violent scenarios will likely continue to unfold. Neighborhoods in economically depressed areas will remain the most vulnerable to such activities where tensions with law enforcement are, in some cases, pre-existing. 

It will remain essential for organizations operating in Tunis to remain vigilant regarding the potential for economic and social tensions to create dynamic local threat environments. 


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