Tunisia: Wildfires Threaten Crops Heading into Vulnerable Fire Season

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Legal, Security, Social, Tunisia


On Tuesday 4 June 2024, Tunisian Civil Protection personnel succeeded in controlling fires that broke out in Siliana. One day prior, a wildfire started in the mountains of Ghardimaou in Jendouba where the governor announced plans to prohibit all camping activity in forests and mountains. 

In Siliana, the fires ravaged twenty hectares of a wheat field near the town of El Krib, resulting in higher damage compared to other fires that were registered in May. 

The Tunisian National Office for Civil Protection (ONPC) confirmed that during May 43 fires occurred burning over 106 hectares, compared to only seven fires in the same period of last year. 

This comes as heat waves are expected in the next weeks with temperatures expected between 30 and 35 degrees in northern Tunisia and reaching up to 45 degrees in the other regions.  


After a particularly challenging year for fires in 2023, Tunisia cannot afford to experience widespread fires again in 2024. With fires already threatening Tunisia’s crops, additional fires risk hindering efforts to reduce wheat imports which are already straining the national budget.  

Preventive measures to assure regional cooperation with Algeria and the EU to contain wildfires are promising. However, resources to combat fires remain limited, especially in the interior regions where fires are more common during the summer months. Without additional preventative measures and more public education and awareness of human behaviors that cause wildfires, far reaching impacts are possible again in 2024. 

Staying out of the forest and mountains but also following the health Ministry’s recommendations to avoid heatstroke will be essential as summer begins in earnest. 


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