Tunisia: Relations with France Enduring Despite Recent Setbacks

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Diplomacy, Political, Tunisia


On 28 December 2023, France’s ambassador Anne Gueguen, presented her credentials to President Kais Saied after having assumed the role in August 2023. 

Gueguen replaced Andrew Parant as French Ambassador to Tunisia, returning to a post where she previously served from 2013-2016. 

In meetings with both President Saied and Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar, Gueguen expressed a desire for cooperation based on mutual respect. 

Gueguen’s late December engagement with President Saied comes as France and Tunisia navigate a complicated period. Tensions remain high over France’s support for Israel in the war in Israel/Palestine. The French Embassy has been the target of multiple large-scale demonstrations since Hamas’s 7 October 2023 attacks on Israel and the subsequent response by the Israeli military. 

Additionally, other African countries have been casting off French cooperation in exchange for partnerships with Russia raising questions about how irregular migration and other security issues will be managed. 

However, cooperation continues with over one million French tourists visiting Tunisia over the past year during a period that also included joint military exercises 


Despite recent setbacks for France in Africa generally and Tunisia specifically, the relationship between the two countries remains strong, with deep historical ties that drive ongoing cultural and economic exchange. 

The rise in French tourists in the post-COVID-19 period shows the enduring connections between the countries and the families and communities of which they are comprised. 

The diplomatic and economic relationship is likely to endure despite recent disruptions over French and European support for Israel. 


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