Contingency Corner: Desert Driving

Contingency Corner: Desert Driving

  Contingency Corner: Desert Driving Tunisia’s deserts are one of the country’s treasures, but desert travel comes with additional risks even when sticking to paved roads. Consider the following when taking a trip to the sandy south: Fully service and fuel...
Contingency Corner: Desert Driving

Contingency Corner: Wildfires

  Contingency Corner: Wildfires The risk of wildfires increases in dry summer months, as seen recently in Tunisia. Consider the following steps to prepare should your location be impacted by a wildfire: Identify accurate sources of information to monitor the status of...
Contingency Corner: Desert Driving

Contingency Corner: Food Safety

  Contingency Corner: Food Safety Food safety awareness is essential for those operating in frontier markets as food handling practices can vary widely. Consider these basic steps to decrease the risk of illness from food: Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly Cook...
Contingency Corner: Desert Driving

Contingency Corner: Beach Safety

  Contingency Corner: Beach Safety Beach goers may feel carefree, but are actually surprisingly vulnerable to physical security risks. As you prepare for beach season, keep a few basic steps in mind: Travel in groups when possible and practice a buddy system, for the...