Tunisia: Medicine Shortages Plague Hospitals, Pharmacies

by | Oct 26, 2022 | Economic, Security, Tunisia


On 25 October 2022, public hospitals and pharmacies reported that medicine supply shortages had begun to impact operations. Medical professionals noted that the issue was linked back to the inability of the government’s Central Pharmacy to acquire imported supplies. The government continues to struggle to access credit to pay suppliers, with many suppliers insisting on pre-payment before delivery, resulting in shortages across the import-dependent economy.

Our Outlook:  

The medicine shortage does not have a clear end in sight given the country’s credit limitations and will depend upon the ability of the Central Pharmacy to negotiate with suppliers. Local medical professionals were not optimistic about a quick resolution to the shortages. While many medicines are still readily available, stocks will be depleted, likely compounding the problem with time if a resolution is not found.