Tunisia: Russia’s Lavrov Cancels Visit as Aeroflot Plans to Resume Flights

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Diplomacy, Tunisia


An early February diplomatic tour through Africa will not include Tunisia as Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov chooses to focus on cultivating partnerships in the Sahel region. Lavrov also canceled a trip to Tunisia in May 2022. His current circuit through Africa has included Mauritania, Sudan, and Mali where Russia hopes to expand influence as it aids governments in combatting extremists.

Meanwhile, despite being scrubbed from the visit list, Russia’s Aeroflot plans to resume flights to Tunisia as the summer tourism season begins. Many of Russia’s international flights were halted in February 2022 when the Russian army invaded Ukraine. Tunisian tourism officials have made clear their hopes to attract Russian tourists back to Tunisia at pre-pandemic levels when several hundred thousand Russians traveled to Tunisia. Earlier this year, Tunisian low-cast carrier Nouvelair announced plans to work with Russian tour providers to include flight options to Tunisia.


Tunisia remains one of many African countries at a diplomatic crossroads where the US, China, and Russia are vying for influence. Thus far, Russia has prioritized the Sahel region where open conflicts with militants have created more urgent opportunities to provide tangible military aid. However, with Tunisia at a political and economic decision point, much continues to hang in the balance as the country’s diplomatic future, particularly as President Kais Saied searches for external support for his reform program.


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