Contingency Corner: Crisis Management

Contingency Corner: Beach Safety

  Contingency Corner: Beach Safety Beach goers may feel carefree, but are actually surprisingly vulnerable to physical security risks. As you prepare for beach season, keep a few basic steps in mind: Travel in groups when possible and practice a buddy system, for the...
Contingency Corner: Crisis Management

Contingency Corner: Summer Weather

  Contingency Corner: Summer Weather Summer is back in North Africa, and with it many risks from exposure to the intense heat. A few steps can keep you prepared for navigating the intense heat. Consider the following as you plan your next day out in the summer...
Contingency Corner: Crisis Management

Contingency Corner: Hotel Security

  Contingency Corner: Hotel Security Traveling in frontier markets comes with a number of security challenges, including at hotels. While hotels can be relatively secure, vigilance with regard to personal security is still essential. Consider the following as you plan...
Contingency Corner: Crisis Management

Contingency Corner: Physical Documents

  Contingency Corner: Physical Documents Many organizations maintain physical documents and files. However, it is easy to overlook the security vulnerabilities within physical documents should document archives be lost, stolen, or prematurely destroyed. Considering...